Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Quick update

I spoke to my husband this morning.  He said the Superintendent told him that they are in agreement with the Principals course of action and that we should be hearing from the principal early this week (nothing yet). 

How disappointing!  Not sure where to go from here?  If we don't know the whole story, i.e. how they are handling the bully, we don't know if action has been taken.  But, thus far... very, very disappointing to say the least.

1 comment:

  1. I posted on the other blog entry. You don't need the school to call the police. Have the other bully/child criminally charged for assault and see if you can't have his parents charged with Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor since the bully parents are not correcting their child's nasty behavior. I would also report the principal and classroom teacher for the Department of Social Services or the Child Welfare Agency for Child Neglect. They are neglecting your child, when they are legally responsible for his safety. The child neglect complaint may not be founded but it will stir up enough crap for the school administration that they will know you are serious.
